
Two mentions:

The Anarchs of the formless depths arose,
Great Titan beings and demoniac powers,
World-egos racked with lust and thought and will,
Vast minds and lives without a spirit within:
     — Book 2, Canto 8

It is the storm bird of an anarch Power
     — Book 10, Canto 4

The etymology of this word is αν+αρχη, which means ‘without beginning’, hence ‘without principle, without origin or without foundation’.

If we apply the archetypal symbols hidden behind the consonants of this word, we shall see that Anarchs are the powers that do not follow the right divine movement of origin.

This is confirmed in the preceding verses, Book 2, Canto 8:

A Nature that denied the eternal Truth
In the vain braggart freedom of its thought
Hoped to abolish God and reign alone.

And in Book 10, Canto 4:

Hasteners to action, violators of God