
45 mentions (noun or adjective):

Venturing not yet to cross oceans unnamed
     — Book 1 Canto 4

The voyagers of the million routes of mind
Who have travelled through Existence to its end,
Sages exploring the world-ocean’s vasts,
Have found extinction the sole harbour safe.
     — Book 10 Canto 3

Most of the time, this word is used by Sri Aurobindo to describe immensity or vastness, either as a noun or as an adjective.

However, on a few occasions, it refers to the vast regions of consciousness unknown to humanity and explored only by the adventurers of consciousness.

In Greek mythology, the dual path of ascent and purification-liberation is exemplified by the descendants of the Titans Iapetus and Oceanos respectively. The latter represents the progressive enlargement of human consciousness towards total liberation: the liberation of Spirit and liberation of Nature, culminating in the divinisation of the body. This is why Oceanos encircles the earth and is the father of all the rivers which are the currents of consciousness-energy.